Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Legacy Of The Civil War Essay - 1488 Words

The Civil War was one of the most bloody and divisive conflicts in United States’ history. While the conflict may have spanned over four years, its origins date back to the birth of the nation. The fracturing of the early political system on the basis of location, party, economic visions were the beginning of fundamental differences between the states. As the political, social, and economic patterns developed throughout the nation, the regional and ideological differences only deepened, leading to the inevitable division of the Union and its populace. One of the primary long term causes for the Civil War was the nation’s early economic division. Specifically, those of the Hamiltonian and Jeffersonian models of development. Alexander Hamilton believed in the development of a powerful state, especially in relation to manufacturing goods as a means of sustaining the economy and promoting global trade. In the creation of an industrialized nation, Hamilton hoped to encourage independence from other nations. (Lecture, 10/17/16) This economic model and its subsidization were the foundation for the popular Northern ideal of the United States becoming a world power. While this economic vision became extremely successful in the Northeast, it failed to gain traction in the South. The South, adhering to the Jeffersonian vision, felt that widespread industrialization and the involvement in global economies lead to moral corruption and infringement on the individual’s right toShow MoreRelatedThe Legacy Of The Civil War1556 Words   |  7 Pagesthan providing all the information in words, adding visual effects were a relief to the eyes. Both the American Christianity and the legacy of the Civil War led to the development of modern republican government. The federal government declared the Civil War. They waged it both in effort to end slavery and in hopes of reuniting the split nation. Following the Civil War, the central government withdrew again - the South, in turmoil and confusion, threatened to break up into riotous anarchy and the federalRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Civil War1827 Words   |  8 Pagesto preserve its institution eventually brought our country into a period of bloodshed. The obvious answer is that the war brought along freedom of around four million people in which altered the lives of Americans, however there is a great deal more to be said about the legacy of the Civil War. Even now, the war creates a lasting shadow that continues to impact America. The war transformed the political, social, and economic scene, and led to advancements in technology and health-care that createdRead MoreThe Leg acy Of The Civil War Essay1471 Words   |  6 Pages The year is 1865, Lincoln is dead, and through some convoluted, insane process I am now the President. God help us all. I am faced with the challenge of uniting a fractured nation, war-torn, weary, and directionless. For all the guff Lincoln gave about preserving the union, he did a terrible job. Yes, we are physically one nation, but dominion under continual threat of violence is precisely what our forefathers fought against in the Revolution. If I had been president, this would never have beenRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Civil War2375 Words   |  10 PagesAfter the following victory of the Northern Unionist over the Confederate forces in the Civil War, the current president of USA Abraham Lincoln had followed through with his Emancipation Proclamation this time of period was soon to be known as the Reconstruction era. Through these actions of Abraham Lincoln this had resulted in the passing of amendments to the constitution in which where 13th,14th, 15th these amendments had given African Americans the one thing they had been long aching for and workedRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Civil War2131 Words   |  9 PagesThe Civil War left the entire nation in disarray. Over six hundred thousand soldiers were dead, reconstruction was to be started, and the nation was further divided. During this time, Abraham Lincoln was the President of the United States and he was going to make the Union whole once again. His plans were cut sho rt however, by the tragic and sudden assassination at Ford’s Theatre in 1865. Abraham Lincoln was the most influential leader in United States history; his death impacted millions of peopleRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Civil War1508 Words   |  7 Pagesmore than 620,000 Union and Confederate soldiers were massacred. In only four years America annihilated the number of American soldiers killed in all other wars combined. America experienced her first full scale house division. The people were in such confusion, Reconstruction Acts had to be used to bring the country back together. Civil War introduced a split country, breaks of states from the union, the South denying rights to emancipated slaves, improving the lifestyle for African Americans, deathRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Civil War907 Words   |  4 PagesThe Civil War was one of the most controversial periods in American history. As a result of the controversy, there have been many theories that explain the cause of the wa r. Most theories state the causes of this conflict arose from geographic, economic, political, and even social differences. Tensions over slavery had been building for decades, and every time a new state in the West was added, there was an extremely tense debate over whether or not slavery would be permitted in the new state. AmericansRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Civil War Essay1593 Words   |  7 PagesLloyd Garrison describes few of many changes that occurred after the Civil War, including the abolishment of slavery and the African American being granted for the first time in history the right to vote. As the civil war came to an end, the United States began to establish an undivided nation. This era known as the reconstruction era is described as â€Å"meaning literally the rebuilding of a shattered nation. (verterans of the civil movment, n.d.) Reconstruction’s main goal was to reintroduce the SouthRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Civil War1422 Words   |  6 Pages​The devastating years of the Civil War finally came to an end. African Americans becoming enslaved and having freedom was a huge development during reconstruction. Freedom had important changes in African American lives, education and religious practices. Due to Abraham Lincoln emancipation of slavery, freedom became a reality for many slaves. The republicans had a great impact on the reconstruction of the Civil War by creating Freedmen’s Bureau, passing the fourteen and fifteenth amendment andRead MoreThe Legacy Of The Civil War1755 Words   |  8 PagesTimes of war often debut new technology that shapes the future. Seeing as how the Civil War was known as the first modern war, it is appropriate to say that much new technological advancement was made. Behind every piece of new technology or idea, there is a person or team that dedicated their time to the development. When it comes to the Civil War aeronautics and much other future advancement, Thaddeus S. C. Lowe is the man be hind it. Lowe was an integral part in the success of the aeronautics division

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