Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Prison Socialization And The Correctional Institution

Introduction Academics have endeavoured to research and identify models of imprisonment connected with variations in prisoner behaviour within the correctional institution. (Cao, Zhao, Dine, 1997). In corrections institutions there have been two established, yet divided viewpoints which are the â€Å"importation and deprivation† models of imprisonment. Sometimes, in overcrowded prison systems, managing harmony and continuity is vital for both correctional officers and inmates. A disciplinary action against inmates is usually the primary instrument used by corrections officers to ensure harmony in the prison environment. These actions are vital for correction staff, as this shows the prisoners adaption to the correctional system. This essay will define and distinguish between these two models of imprisonment. Importation Model The term importation model was first coined in the 1960s by Donald Cressey and John Irwin who contested the current indigenous origin/deprivation models by proposing a revolutionary unlike exposition named the importation model. This focuses on the effect of prior to prison socialization experiences as pivotal in framing the development in regards to prisoner sub-cultures. This model suggests that the prisoner’s behaviour is a reflection of a history of attitudes and behaviours previously retained by offenders upon entering correctional institutions .This model challenges the idea that inmate behaviours are merely shaped or changed due to this new â€Å"Show MoreRelatedGoffmans Theory on Total Institutions1714 Words   |  7 PagesElaine Tyler SOC 101: Introduction to Sociology Instructor: Jeremy Baker July 8, 2013 ERVIN GOFFMAN Goffmans Theory on Total Institutions We interact with a variety of people on a regular basis who influence our behavior but who are not family or friends. Many of these people we encounter because of their roles within particular social institutions with which we interact. They are part of our secondary group members; their opinions and behaviors shape us. 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