Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Marriage Is Like Driving A Car - 764 Words

Marriage is like driving a car even though you may be in the front seat; you may not have a clue as to what is going on under the hood. The article considered two hypothesis to conduct the study. The first was marriage and family therapists’ endorsement of myths about marriage will be related to personal experience and demographic factors. The second marriage and family therapists’ endorsement of myths about marriage will be signiï ¬ cantly related to professional factors including degree level and the amount of training they have had in current research ï ¬ ndings on marriage and divorce (Caldwell, 2008). Caldwell (2008) describes a myth as a belief that is widely held in spite of overwhelming evidence that it is not true. Confronting myths about marriage and family by the therapist will illustrate to be an important factor in keeping the clients in the here and now. Supplying the couple with the understanding that after the honeymoon real life will set in and arm them the knowledge to notice and accept change. However, a trained therapist can assist the clients in realizing that it will take work to keep the romance and fire within the relationship. When a marriage counselor whom is well informed can debunk the myths and give the clients the tools to endure a healthy and loving relationship. When it comes to marriage there seems to be some preconceived notions about what life will look like and through premarital counseling the therapist can assist the client toShow MoreRelatedUnequal and Unethical Treatment of Women in the Middle East1384 Words   |  6 Pageshave been going on for the many years in the past, and are still going on today, especially in Middle Eastern countries. One major aspect of the situation of abuse towards women is involved with marriage. 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