Monday, September 30, 2019
Introduction to the Development of Travel + Tourism
1. Changing Socio-Economic Circumstances:- The first changes in socio-economic circumstances were when the industrial revolution took place. People were moving from the rural countryside into the bigger towns and cities to find regular employment in the factories, mills and mines. All over England work places were shutting down for a week (wakes week this was called). They were taking a paid holiday which was the first big break for most of the working population. People suddenly had an increase in leisure time to do more things with their family and friends; this is because the working hours in a week were dramatically cut from around 45+ to sometimes below 40. The raise in wages meant that more people could do things and go places further a field. They took weekend breaks and short holidays more often as well and also they had budgeting for a week's holiday which they could plan ahead for and get the time off through their employers. By the 1960's there was a huge rise in teen holidays, these holidays were very popular with people between the ages of 18-30. It became part of culture for young people to go off abroad on new package deal holidays. They would go out drinking and after a night in a pub or bar they would go back to their hotel rooms with a young girl and have ‘no-strings attached' sex. They would usually go on holiday for the sole reason of drinking and having sex all week. 2. Technological Developments Public transport was vital part in how and where people took their holidays. Mainly in the 1940's and early 50's, people used the railway to get to holiday resorts like Blackpool, they would travel mainly from places of work like Manchester, Liverpool, Blackburn etc. By the mid 1950's the car was becoming more of a major role in public transport and many people took to driving further away than the original holiday resorts of Blackpool, Scarborough, Brighton etc. They travelled to places like Cornwall and Dorset. Some people even braved going abroad to places like Belgium, Holland and France which was unheard of in those days. They drove to big ports like Dover or Ramsgate and caught a ferry across to Europe. The invention of the jet engine then came along and people discovered holidays in the Mediterranean where the weather was always guaranteed to be hot and sunny. People took to going abroad a lot more because of the jet engine and its power to travel further than anything before that. Lastly and most recently became the use of electronic booking and air traffic control so more planes can come and go from an airport more frequently than ever before. The internet is now the easiest, fastest and sometimes cheapest place to book holidays from. It can be done in a matter of minutes. 3. Product Development and Innovation People in Britain only started going on holiday in the 1860's. The only place they could go to was holiday resorts by the sea like Blackpool, Scarborough etc. If it rained they had to try and entertain their children outside somewhere because they weren't allowed back to there holiday flats until the evening. A great innovation was brought into light in the 1950's by a man called Billy Butlin. It was a holiday camp where there was entertainment all week whether indoors because of the rain or outdoors in the sun. Everyone went there year in year out and thousands of people enjoyed a great time every week it was open. Package holidays were the next big thing to come along. Holidays abroad were all fully paid for including flights. When you got there you didn't have to do anything but relax and enjoy the weather. The hotel cooked food and laid on meals for you and did everything. This was why it's called a ‘package holiday'. 4. Changing Needs, Expectation and Fashions Annual holidays became fashion throughout Briton. Everyone had to take a holiday as the holiday pay act came into use it was far more acceptable for people to go away. It became a culture and it still is a culture for most people in Britain. People often go on more than one holiday a year now, to places further abroad than the Mediterranean. Some people enjoy actually taking a year out of work or education to go and explore the traditions of places in Europe. Whereas most people like just relaxing, enjoying the sunshine and having a good time.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Preference of Patients Essay
In the medical profession, there are some issues that call for ethical appraisal. Although these issues might be provided for under the code of ethics of the medical profession, they have raised several controversial debates that have haunted the ethical foundation of the profession. One of such issues which have been a cause of controversy is the preference of patients. When we talk about the preferences of patients, what we are referring to is the choice of the patient after evaluating the health outcomes which might result from the treatment or refusal of treatment. There are several other issues that relates to this patient centered approach in the medical profession. Over the years, patients have been allowed to make some choices pertaining to the medical care. Generally speaking, some people are of the opinion that due to the availability of more information, some patients are not a novice to the medical practice and so should be allowed to make decisions about their treatment – of course, under the guidance of the physician and with correct understanding of the facts of the treatment. This approach is put in place in place in order to maintain a better, more flexible and less domineering environment. Thus the patient’s preference afeects the decisions about medical care as the doctor can not make some vital decisions. An example of the patient’s preference is the span of treatment, However, some people are of the opinion that due to the complex nature of the medical professions, patients should not be allowed to make decision that pertains to treatment procedures. This is informed by the fact that these patients might be fearful, not in their correct frame of mind and may be looking for a form of treatment that will be less painful to them. It is therefore concluded that the patient’s decision should not be regarded at that point in time as that may not be what they would have chosen if they were in their right frame of mind. This too like the other poses a problem. If we are to rely on this argument, then we are likely going to fall into trouble due to some issues associated with the absence of patient preferences. There is should be patient autonomy and patients have the moral and legal rights to make decisions that concern their health and medical conditions. Thus, no matter how we view it, the issue of patient’s preference raises a problem from both sides. If for instance we say that the patient needs not be consulted in making decisions about treatment, then we are neglecting the legal right and moral rights of the patients. However, it might be true that in some given situations, the preference of the patient poses a threat to the patient’s health condition. And so it is risky to follow such preferences as the patient’s decision makes him/her a threat to himself/herself. An example of this is refusal of treatment. Furthermore, there are some other issues that associated with the absence or expression of patient’s preferences. For instance, except in emergency cases or in cases where the patient can not give consent, it is mandatory for the physician to seek the consent of the patient before any form of test or examination is carried out on them. Another issue that has been of controversial debate is surrogate decision-making. Should this be accepted in the medical practice? We should also consider the issue of advanced directives in medicine? Should patients be allowed to issue advanced directives? Since the goal of medicine is to save and protect lives, how then will we account for a situation where a doctor issues an advance directive at the request of a patient? The question here is which is higher? – The purpose on which the foundation of the profession was based or the preference of the patients? In addition to this, should cultural or religious beliefs overshadow the goal of medicine? The Hippocratic Oath directs doctors/physicians to do whatever is in their power in making sure they save lives and help people in pains. As a doctor, should I not give blood to a dying patient in urgent need of blood because the patient’s religion does not believe in it? If I do this, I will be doing what I have made an oath to do but shouldn’t I consider the right of the patient? Should I not consider the wish of the patient? As a doctor, I am obliged to communicate the truth about medical conditions to the patient but what should I do when I consider that the patient can not in the right frame of mind to take the information? Should I just say what I have to say bluntly or should I be lenient by withholding some weighty aspects of the information? In the case provided, the physician must make a distinction between duty and sentiment or emotions. Although the patient might have made plans that the physician knows about, it is the doctor’s duty to communicate the extent of the condition to the patient. The physician should be able to realize that he/she is bound by duty and must seek to discharge his/her duties rather than appeal to sentiments. To start with, it will be unwise and professionally illegal for the physician to withhold information from the patient because the patient is embarking on a tour around the world. For all I care, the medical safety of the patient is the utmost and should be given the greatest consideration. The question to ask is who is to be blamed if the physician allowed Mr. R.S to travel without telling him the truth about his medical condition and in some way Mr. R.S dies during the trip? Should the physician, because he/she does not want to ruin the â€Å"big†plans made by the couple, decide not to fulfill what duty demands of him/her? Summarily, I think physicians should realize that they are dealing with the lives of people and thus should not allow sentiments in their practice. This is because some reasons are higher than others. Reference: L Fraenkel, S T Bogardus Jr, and D R Wittink. Risk-attitude and patient treatment preferences Lupus, May 1, 2003 Edwards and G. Elwyn: How Should Effectiveness of Risk Communication to Aid Patients’ Decisions Be Judged? A Review of the Literature, Medical Decision Making, October 1, 1999 Practical ethics for students, interns and residents. A Short Reference Manual. Junkerman C and Schiedermayer D. Second Edition. University Publishing Group, 1998. Drane, J. F. (1985). â€Å"The Many Faces of Competency.†Hasting Center Report: 17-19.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Plato's Phaedo Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Plato's Phaedo - Essay Example â€Å"Phaedo†is full of thoughts about the disorder, eternal anxiety and mortality of human body and on the other hand about the greatness of human ideals. Plato was diligently dreaming about the life without suffering and troubles, mutual hate and hostility, a life where the eternal truth would predominate. In the dialogue all these are embodied in the sublime image of Socrates, who is dying for a sake of this future beatitude. The death of Socrates, which the dialogue is ended with, are represented strictly and classically and it seems that at that moment all the sublime suppresses all the vile and the simplicity, brevity and deep moral intelligence are interconnected. Here we see the perfect material for every historian. All the peculiarities of â€Å"Phaedo†such as its moral pathos, sublime tragedy of Socrates’ death, artistic deepness of the dialogue, its inimitable classical style are still waiting for their
Friday, September 27, 2019
Design of a Motor Speed Sampling, Amplification, Filtering and Display Essay - 1
Design of a Motor Speed Sampling, Amplification, Filtering and Display Circuit - Essay Example Based on the requirements of the course, it is mandatory that the current signal be converted between the ranges -2.5 mA to 2.5 Ma and through a voltage signal ranging between the voltages of 2 V to 3 V. When all the recommended conversions have been done, then it is advisable that any noise that may be available be suppressed in AC signals that have frequencies that exceed 100 Hz. When all these have been carried out, the analogue circuit is converted into digital signals and A to D converter is maintained at 8 bit. The 8 bit of the digital signal is then relayed onto the 7-segment for display. The converter finally gives the ADC clock of the whole system. This course work may be analyzed based on two major components. These components include analogue circuits of the system and the digital circuits of the system. The analogue circuits of the system operate on signals of low currents that are meant for conversion to the voltage signals. The noise is then filtered out from the signals of the AC. The analogue circuit consists of the following parts thus, rectifiers, low pass filters, and the amplifiers (Gieras & Wing 2002). The rectifiers are used to convert alternative current voltages into the signals of direct current voltages, the low pass filters are used to filter the noise that might be present in the alternative current voltage signals that have been amplified, and finally, amplifiers are used in the amplification of the small signals of the currents into the required voltage signal ranges. The part of the digital circuit is categorized into the following thus, converters classified as A to D, the 8-bit synchronous counter, and decoders classified as BCD and SSD. The D to A converters are used in the conversion of the analogue circuit signals to the digital circuit signals. The converter feeds the ADC clock of the system. BCD to SSD converters are used
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Special Effects in the movie Inception Research Paper
Special Effects in the movie Inception - Research Paper Example Special wooden rooms were created that were supported by steel tubing. Several hotel sets were created in an airship which included a long hotel corridor that can rotate both clockwise and anticlockwise. The actors were hung on wires and with two months of rehearsal and training, they were able to ‘defy’ the law of gravity and the amazing scene was created. The scene shows Arthur fighting a couple of men in a rotating corridor under zero gravity. Then in the absence of gravity, he moves on to his four teammates and ties them by a rope and puts them in a lift. This scene is a perfect example of showing the invalidity of the laws of science in the world of our imagination. The scene appears near the climax of the movie and mind boggles the viewers with its special effects.The dreams are also shown to lose shape as they begin collapsing. In the very start of the movie, the building where Cobb was standing begins to collapse and starts to get filled with water because the dr eam was about to end. Another interesting use of special effects is in the designing of dreams. Cobb hires Ariadne to design the dreams which would contain the team when it is on its mission. Designing the dream is not like designing in reality. The dreams are not bound by any laws and impossible structures cam be built just by using one’s imagination. In the movie, we see this when Cobb is sharing a dream with Ariadne during her first lesson. Appalled by the truth that she was a dream, the revelation shakes her subconscious and the dream collapses. The film shows minute details of the scene which shows structures break into fragments and the buildings tear apart, resulting in Ariadne waking up. In the other lessons, we see Ariadne as a brilliant architect who knows how to play around with the laws of science in the world of dreams.3 Then it is the world created by Cobb and Mal during their limbo state. The world has been created at such deep levels of dreams that it is unsta ble even though it appears real to the dreamer. Chunks are constantly seen to be breaking away from the buildings and falling into the sea. To create the limbo world also made use of a lot of special
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Research news to find stories uncovered by corporate media Paper
News to find stories uncovered by corporate media - Research Paper Example This paper describes the necessity to look deeper into the problems, which seem quite superficial from the first sight but in reality bear a substantial meaning.    Nowadays corporate media ignore some problems which are of paramount importance for the consideration of government. They concentrate their attention on the issues, which are solicited among the population. The widespread magazine articles, such as â€Å"How to lose a guy in 10 days†or â€Å"Life of celebrities†are read every day by the millions of people, without paying attention to the states of things, which take place in the surrounding world. However corporate media is oriented on the demand of the ordinary buyer, which is quite understandable. The regular reader does not want to be concerned about the entire issues, instead he wants to feel released and relaxed. My researches of the problems, ignored by the media of the USA resulted in the following articles: All articles were taken from the site called â€Å"Whowhatwhy†. The authors of the articles made a great success, because they discussed the topics, which were not revealed by means of American corporate media, considering them to be of no importance. However, reading these articles, we understand that such problems must not be ignored by the society. The articles cover the area of truth and society. I will start by the paper of Russ Baker â€Å"Classic Who: Should Pollard be Released?†. The case of Jonathan Pollard (a famous Israel spy) is still in the process of consideration. The thing is that after revealing Pollards connection with Israel authorities, he received a life sentence, which was approved by the court of the USA. However, the Israel members of the alliance were astonished for such a cruelty. They stated that the USA did not have enough evidence to blame Pollard for committing such a crime. The most interesting is that documents, revealed in the CIA appro ved such a possibility, which raised the question of
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The report should contain an evaluation of the most popular resources Assignment
The report should contain an evaluation of the most popular resources weighing the positives and negatives (critically analyse) - Assignment Example In this regard, the literature suggests that there are various options available for small businesses. Sources of Finance Available to Small Businesses The most important concern of an investor or a small business owner, like Thunder Egg, is the sources from where finance can be raised to satiate financing needs of the business. Among various options available for small business entrepreneurs, crowd funding, business angels, bank loans, government initiatives and private investments are considered as amongst the most preferred ones by them. Whether the business is small, medium or a large multinational corporation, the need for securing sufficient finances holds significant importance for the entrepreneur, which in turn determines the success of planned strategies and business plan (Rodriguez, 2003; Moles et al., 2011; Baker & Martin, 2011). The common sources of finance identified earlier have been discussed as follows: Crowd Funding It is often witnessed that small and medium enter prises rely on unconventional means of obtaining finance in most of the times. The conventional means can be considered as venture capital and/or obtaining loans from financial institutions (Lambert & Schwienbacher, 2010; Abdulsaleh & Worthington, 201
Monday, September 23, 2019
Principles, Practices, and Prospects of Nuclear Energy Annotated Bibliography
Principles, Practices, and Prospects of Nuclear Energy - Annotated Bibliography Example As the paper outlines, the books Nuclear energy: Principles, practices, and prospects by D. Bodansky establish that the need for nuclear energy arises from the worldwide diminishing levels of natural fossils and other power producing utilities, which may render industrial revolution into a stable state. Bodansky relatively expounds that rapid population growth steered power consumption; thus, the dilemma pushed for a mandatory energy alternative source throughout the world (Bodansky, 2004). The writer argues that the scientific discoveries targeted to implement alternative sources of energy that would ensure constant production in the industrialized world. The writer emphasizes the production of nuclear energy over other sources, for example, crude, natural gas, and coal as it is a carbon-free emitting compound. Nuclear energy gained acceptability throughout the superpower countries that learned of the importance of producing the alternative energy source in stimulating economic g rowth, and significance in the gross domestic product (Bodansky, 2004). Bodansky elaborates on the intensive use of the carbon-free energy but relates the production as dependent on the radiant uranium neutron and electron reacting to produce energy. The author stipulates that the chemical reactions involving the neutrons and electrons appear in a sequence of reactions called the fission process (Bodansky, 2004). The writer depicts that possible emissions to the space range in millions of isotopic compounds and the effects would ultimately stimulate global warming (Bodansky, 2004). The author elaborates that, his arguments base on the following facts; nuclear waste disposal turns a tricky issue throughout the manufacturing countries as it is non-biodegradable, thus becoming harmful to the flora and fauna (Bodansky, 2004).
Sunday, September 22, 2019
The Role of a Modern Industrial Manager Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Role of a Modern Industrial Manager - Essay Example Therefore, understanding the role of industrial manager would be highly beneficial and could dictate the success of an organisation. To have a clear understanding of management and the role of an effective manager, one must first take a look at history. As early as 3000 BC, there has been evidence of formal management where business transactions were recorded through written documents (Pindur, Rogers and Kim 1995). As the years went on, people realised the importance of management and started laying down theories and principles reflecting it. The years progressed and different concepts and techniques were born. Leaders learned the value of delegation of authority (Smith 1776). Specialization in tasks was learned to be effective in the work force. These, along with many others, became managerial techniques. The 19th century gave birth to what is known as classical management (Pindur, Rogers and Kim 1995). Aiming to provide a scientific foundation for the management of organisations, this school of thought soon became the most popular among those who study management. The Industrial Revolution had a hand in its development. When workers were transferred o factories, replacing small home-based shops, a need to efficiently manage the work force arose (Pindur et al 1995). Classical management was both scientific and administrative. It believes that through scientific management, productivity may be improved (Taylor 1911). It was said that successful industrial managers are born and not made. Nevertheless, systematic or scientific management when executed properly will show us that, the foundation of good management rests upon theory and principles and not merely genetic inheritance or nature (Taylor 1911). Another point of classical management is to discredit the old notion that the interests of employers and of employees are conflicting. Scientific management reiterates that these two are actually the same (Taylor 1911).
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Continental Congress in Philadelphia Essay Example for Free
Continental Congress in Philadelphia Essay One of the most well-known female politicians of the time was Mercy Otis Warren of Massachusetts. Like several other women concerned with public issues, Warren grew up in a political family. Her father James Otis, Sr. , had long been active in high-level provincial politics; her brother James Otis, Jr. , had been an outspoken detractor of British rule, and her husband James Warren was a most important member of the Massachusetts legislature. Mrs. Warren would write several pamphlets, poems, and plays in support of the Patriot movement. One of her plays, The Adulateur (1772), implicated a legendary kingdom named Servia, where the good subjects possessed with a love of liberty were being enslaved by a tyrannical ruler. Warren took some pride in womens contribution to the colonial resistance. â€Å"Be it known unto Britain even American daughters are politicians and patriots, and will aid the good work with their feeble efforts. †7 Even though she was well aware that politics remained â€Å"a subject . . . much out of the road of female attention,†8 she quietly defended the right of women to articulate their opinions. During the war period, she frequently corresponded with like-minded individuals for instance Abigail Adams regarding the latest developments, and afterward wrote an extremely partisan three-volume history of the American Revolution. Equally eager of speaking out politically (albeit in private correspondence) was Abigail Adams, the wife of John Adams. Throughout the pre-Revolutionary years, Abigail had ready comments on the regal conflict and very much favoured separation from the mother country. When her husband John was a delegate to the Continental Congress in Philadelphia and beginning to prepare a new system of government, she even confided to him regarding what she considered a very important domestic matterthe rights of women. On the eve of American independence, Abigail wrote: â€Å"By the way in the new Code of Laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make I desire you would Remember the Ladies, and be more favourable to them than your ancestors. Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the Husbands. Remember all Men would be tyrants if they could. †9 Abigail was not a contemporary feminist and had no wish to change the conventional relationship between man and woman; however she apparently did want some restraint placed on the use of male power within the family. John appeared more amused than angry at the outburst but made no effort to follow through on Abigails request. Neither did any of his congressional colleagues take up the subject. While John Adams had no wish to alter the legal status of women or grant them voting rights, he did think that they could hold political opinions and comment on significant issues in a family setting. So frequent were his discussions with his wife on such matters that at one point Abigail declared: â€Å"What a politician you have made me. †10 Abigail Adams of all the women at the time would have welcomed the possibility to use the ballot had it been given to members of her sex. On Election Day in 1780, she confirmed her desire to be part of the political process by assisting at the local polling place, preparing tickets. â€Å"If I cannot be a voter upon this occasion,†she said, â€Å"I will be a writer of votes. I can do some thing in that way. †11 Several years afterward, Abigail commented on the existence of woman suffrage in New Jersey, saying that â€Å"if our state constitution had been equally liberal . . . and admitted the female to a vote, I should certainly have exercised it. †12 Later, during her husbands presidency, she explicitly handled some of his political correspondence, even writing to Elbridge Gerry, emissary to France, amid the controversial XYZ affair in 1797. She as well carried on an widespread exchange of letters with such luminaries as Thomas Jefferson after her husband left the White House.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Effects of Honey as a Treatment for Acne
Effects of Honey as a Treatment for Acne Kanuka Randomised Controlled Trial Critical Appraisal Acne, a common inflammatory cutaneous disease, with a recent analysis reporting an 85% prevalence in those aged between 12 and 24 years of age in the USA. A new treatment option could prove successful if alongside being efficacious avoids the many shortcomings of current treatment options e.g. antibiotics, hormone-therapy etc. These treatment options are ineffective in some sufferers, thus are untenable in improving patient care outcomes. Methodology The papers objective: To investigate the efficacy of Honevo, a topical 90% medical-grade kanuka honey, and 10% glycerine (honey product) as a treatment for facial acne, is a strong foundation whereupon to run a trial. Establishing inclusion criteria prior to participant selection optimise the overall validity; the criteria comprises of a clinical diagnosis of acne and a score of two or more on a Investigators Global Assessment (IGA) scale. Conversely participant exclusion criteria was extensive, being clearly delineated, precluding sufferers with systemic illness, those currently or recently taking topical corticosteroids and antibiotics in the previous 4 weeks. There were 136 selected participants between the ages of 16 40, who were randomised to the honey product group arms using a concealed computer-generated sequence, this randomisation algorithm was used to eliminate bias, accidental or otherwise. Opaque envelopes were used to preserve participant allocation concealment, thus preventing researchers influencing outcomes through preceding knowledge of research outcomes. Furthermore, potential for bias was minimised by having a second investigator perform the IGA at each visit without knowledge of participant treatment allocation. In my opinion the sample size seems sufficient, the size allows for equal randomisation to both treatment arms. Furthermore, recruitment of 136 participants allows for a build-in quantity to account for a 10% dropout rate, accounting for up to 13.6 (14) withdrawals. The study has predetermined specific criteria that it will use to define success when considering the primary outcome aim, the researchers defines success as a à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥2 point decrease in IGA score from baseline at 12à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¦weeks. There were also several secondary outcomes, summarised as follows: the average IGA score at weeks 12 and 14;an overall change in acne using a visual analogue scale (VAS); overall VAS severity at week 4 when contrasted to baseline; applications per day; weekly-reported severity using a VAS scale; and withdrawing participation should acne worsen. RCTs have several points of interest when contrasted with other study types, commonly allowing for optimal assessment of efficacy, randomisation to abstain from confounding the results, and minimisation of bias by allocation disguise and blinding. The kanuka-based treatment has an intrinsic impediment in its appearance and smell; the innate restriction of this study prevented comprehensive blinding of members and researchers, which diminishes the studies adequacy when contrasted with comparable RCTs. This issue was tempered by blinding the researchers in charge of measuring the primary result variable. The blinding of the assessors producing the results considered allowed for the avoidance of assessment bias. By providing a thorough methodology section, this research is reproducible, this was done by providing the treatment regime, number of assessments conducted, and the interval between these assessments. It is stated by the author that the setting was Outpatient primary care from 3 New Zealand localities, albeit rather vague as New Zealand covers a wide area. The issue of adherence and compliance in this study was addressed, treatment constituted twice daily application to affected areas for 30 and 60 minutes. Participant adherence was important, this is supported via daily recording of applications with a check for diary completeness at each visit. Outcomes The researchers calculated 80% power at 5% significance to detect an absolute difference of 25% responders. It is therefore possible to infer that the study had an 80% chance of identifying any treatment effect, with less than a 5% risk that this was due to chance. The primary outcome of participants showing a à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥2 improvement in IGA assessment at week 12 reveals that only a very small proportion of participants showed an improvement. Compared with baseline only, or the Hodges-Lehmann estimator with 95% Confidence Limit showed a 4.2 (0.5 to 39.3), with a p=0.17; in the honey product group there were 4/53 (7.6%) participants and 1/53 (1.9%) participants in the control group who met the primary outcome. Participant withdrawal must be considered, with 15 and 14 participants who withdrew from the honey product group and control group, respectively. The outcomes at week 12 show marginal improvement in the honey product group compared to the control group. This is shown in the proportional odds logistic regression for the IGA score at week 12, which estimated the OR (95% Cl) for improvement of 1.4 (0.7 to 2.9), p=0.33, without adjustment for baseline, and 2.0 (CI 0.9 to 4.2), p=0.075, after adjustment. In regards to daily self-reported use of treatment, it was found that using the The Hodges-Lehmann estimate (95% Cl), between the two study groups was à ¢Ã‹â€ ’7 (à ¢Ã‹â€ ’13 to à ¢Ã‹â€ ’1), p=0.01, with honey product users having less applications. When considering the IGA results, there is a prominent difference in the responses amongst the participants, some participant results would indicate a worsening of symptoms. When considering whether the secondary outcomes were efficacious there was no evidence found to support the use of the honey based product as a treatment option. Subject-rated improvement according to a VAS at both weeks 4 and 12 was better overall for the honey treatment. Bias is an issue with the VAS as it wasnt possible to mask which participants were using the honey based treatment. There may be a type 1 error rate inflation with this variable as it was also an outcome other secondary outcome variables. Conclusions This study has given a sound premise to methodological and factual contemplations that will be worthwhile for planning comparative studies, maybe helping in defeating the inadequacies inside this study. When contrasted with current treatment options, this study doesnt give much evidentiary support to the therapeutic utilization of kanuka honey with 10% glycerine in the treatment of acne. Advances within this field are fundamental for improving patient care, in my opinion I would recommend waiting until further research has been conducted contrasting kanuka as a treatment alternative against other treatment choices. Word Count: 1085 I am aware of the requirements of good academic practice and the potential penalties for any breaches.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Slavery Enterprise and Society Essay -- exploitation, trafficking, soc
A group of kids are taking a trip through time, back in the day of slavery in the 1800’s. A young black man is working out in the field picking cotton and other crops. His master calls him up to the main house and tells him to get on his knees and not say a word. The young black man does as he is told. Then for no apparent reason, the master begins to beat and whip the slave violently while his wife and daughter watch. The master screams and shouts that the young black man is his property and he can do with him what he pleases. As he continues the punishment, blood oozes and flows from the exsanguinated wounds. The slave is then told that he will be sold in two days’ time, separate from his wife and daughter who will be kept for their sexual services. There is fear in the young man’s eyes for he has been forced to watch the rape of his daughter before and fears for her life. He hangs his head and continues to accept his beating. He knows that there is nothing mor e he can do, that he is a slave, and this is how slaves are treated. As the kids fast forward to modern day life, they take a look around. All seems calm and peaceful with no violence or harsh beatings. They see a man and his family, forced to live on the streets because they cannot pay back a loan. They see a woman who is battered and bruised with little clothing; she is the remnants of a sex-trafficking scandal. All of these, all though not as obvious to the common man, are examples of modern day slavery. When most people think of slavery, their thoughts are instantly transferred to a time of black servants and white masters. A time when people were not equal and wars happened every other day. The common man does not believe that slavery still exists or even what slaver... ...keley: University of California Press. Curtis, Michael. (2013). Slavery in the World Today. Retrieved from Einhorn, R. L.(2008). Slavery. Enterprise & Society 9(3), 491-506. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from Project MUSE database. Gordon-Reed, Annette. (2013). Slavery’s Shadow. Retrieved from Magnier, Mark., Robyn, Dixon. (2013). Modern-day slavery persists over the world. Retrieved from Slavery today. (2003). The Lancet, 361(9375), 2093. Retrieved from The Caste System. (2013). Retrieved from
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Development of Civilization Essay -- History Antropology Sociology
The Development of Civilization Our civilizations are merely a wrinkle in time. Billions of years ago, during the Paleolithic Culture people had only knowledge for basic survival. The Stone Age was a time for hunting and gathering, building tools, and making fire. As the human race evolved, so did the culture. This is when the Neolithic Culture was born. People started taking control. Farms sprang up and sedentary villages began to take form. Amazingly, not too far from these progressing cultures grew civilizations. When one wants to look at the true heart of a civilization, they must first understand the civilization’s beliefs, moral standards, social interaction, attitudes, values and social consciousness. Without a sincere background about these topics, one cannot truly develop a full understanding of the period. History calls upon humankind to breakdown civilizations, and find the roots of past civilizations. Many factual ideas have been abstracted from numerous sources through out time. In studying Ancient Greek civilization, the reader sees immense concentration of social consciousness for its peoples’ needs. Greek civilization absorbed many different attitudes from the Athenians, Spartans, and Macedonians. Another highly moral civilization was the Medieval times. The English had intolerant views on Religion; an aspect of a society which had much importance to the world at this time. Because of these beliefs, all religions had to experience frustrations that occasionally lead toward conflict. The Chinese were greatly influenced by the earth’s ways, rather than global issues and demonstrated this through their religion, Buddhism. The Han dynasty incorporated a Confucius government system into their legal system, and po... ...uman civilization. It is known that respect for elders, and the wise was necessary. It was also important to know what one’s role was in society, whether it be childbirth, or growing rice. Civilization is a fascinating topic, because they are able to show where humanity progressed, or regressed. In viewing many civilizations through out the course of five months, it is clearer to see where exactly ideas originated. The belief system that humans have developed is like one giant melting pot. There are ideas, attitudes, social awareness, and values all boiled down into one big mass. Much like a science experiment, sometimes things do not belong together, and some do. These are all learning opportunities, and most likely humankind will eventually learn the perfect mix. Until then, it is assumed that we will continue to make mistakes, while advancing at the same time.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum :: essays papers
Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum This AD is about an alcoholic beverage called Captain Morgan Original Spiced Rum. When you first see this AD you can clearly see that the focus of this ad is to make you want to drink. It jumps out and says â€Å"drinking is cool†. It’s saying not directly but indirectly. The focus of it is to make you want to buy this beer because those people are drinking it. They’re having a fun and great time, so the ad can get those people that want to have a fun and great time. The tone of this ad is pretty funny. As you can see the headline of this ad says, â€Å"take off your pants and stay a while†. You can make different interpretations of this ad which makes it even funnier. The voice is also very funny, because of that line. The language is quite funny to me, but some people that do not understand it probably would not enjoy this ad. Some people might think the language is ridiculous and inappropriate. Most young people would find this ad very natural to them. I am not saying that old people wouldn’t like this ad, but some of them might not get it or understand the humor of the ad. It all depends what your definition of humor is. The audience is mainly designed for younger people. I can conclude this by seeing that all the people in cabin are young, maybe in there 20’s. Also they could be snowboarding and not a lot of old people snowboard. So this ad is mainly to attract the younger folks. The design of this is pretty thought out. The whole logo is in red, and the ad is in black and white so they try to catch your attention by doing that. You turn the page in the magazine and all of sudden you see â€Å"take off your pants and stay a while†you probably are going to see what the ad is all about. I think its smart advertising that they have the main logo in red and the alcohol colored but the background in black and white.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Communication Channels Essay
A large number of cases point out that using communication channels properly would greatly improve the organization in some aspects. Without understanding communication channels, on the opposite, would have bad effects on the organization. It is not exaggerate to say that communication channels play a significant role in management and good managers will never miss them. In this essay, I will generally talk about three different communication channels which are formal channel, informal channel and grapevine activity and then analyze each of them in details in order to make good comparison. By doing so, the differences among them are shown clearly. Some examples will be given to illustrate how important a good manager who understands communication channels and what benefit he would bring to the organization. Communication channels can be classified into three parts which are formal channel, informal channel and grapevine activity. A formal communication channel identifies individuals who are the official sources of information and the information that is their special concern(Johnson, Donohue&Atkin,1994). Since relationships are determined by one’s role, structure is viewed by managers as a static entity which conforms to a top down configuration (Monge & Eisenberg, 1987). This point of view emphasizes the configurations resulting from formal authority relationships represented in the organizational hierarchy. An official meeting which held by organization is an exmaple of formal channel. On contrast, an informal communication channel is designed for varieties of needs such as social ones and it is based on the social contact as well as the personal affection of administrative staff. This approach maintains a sense of personal integrity and team cohesiveness. Apart from the above two channels, grapevine activity is also counted. However, grapevine activity is a major medium of informal channel. As the name suggests, the grapevine is entwined throughout the organization with branches going in all directions. They spread quickly, uncontrollably and, once started, are often hard to stop. Because grapevine activity may harm both individuals and the organization itself, managers must consider how to control it. Above three communication channels have their own advantages and disadvantages under different circumstances. How to use them efficiently and properly gives us a good topic to discuss. Formal communication channel is significantly useful when there is something fairly important to the organization and everyone should pay attention to. It shows the authority of superior and it is strictly serious. If we use informal channels instead of formal ones under this circumstance, lack of authority and configuration will lead to a never reached target. On one would consider it as an important issue. However, nowadays, informal communication channel is regarded as the complement of formal channel and cannot be ignored. If we could manage informal channel in a right way, it would play an active role in organization. For example, in many situations, in order not to cause some unnecessary troubles, administrative staffs do not say exactly what they thought through formal communication channel but to chime in with others. On this occasion, when we take advantage of informal channel to have a talk with administrative staffs, we may grasp their true feelings towards certain issue and then shoot the arrow at the target. Informal channel may decrease interpersonal conflict and make the human relationship more harmonious. Grapevine activity, as mentioned above, it is a form of informal channel and it is an inevitable part of organizational life. Researchers generally agree that the grapevine often functions in a beneficial manner The grapevine can help improve organizational efficiency in a number of ways. It also can help identify pending problems, can function as an early warning signal for organizational change, and is a vehicle for creating a common organizational culture. Unfortunately, the down side of grapevine activity is obviously at the same time. The most common one is inaccuracy. psychological research reveals that human always like to send emotional messages when they are down in spirits or they are not satisfied with their jobs. They may misinterpret some facts intentionally or unintentionally and tell them to others in an exaggerate way. Someone who has have ulterior motives may take advantage of grapevine in order to satisfy their personal interests. Thus it can be seen that every communication channel has its range of application. Our aim in management is to use them properly. As a result, it is fairly important for a manager to understand communication channels. If a manager understand communication channels he(she) would know which channel is suitable for a certain situation. This would maintain a good human relationships and always make employees happy with their jobs. Employees do not work only for salary but also for some need in spiritual level. They need to be respected and participated. If they feel that they are important to the organization, they would work harder. A good manager would satisfy them with these aspects during formal communication. Informal communication also helps organization with its development. A good manager would use informal communication channel to keep good relationships with employees and cover the shortage of formal communication. For instance, treat employees a lunch or a dinner if they do well in their positions and listen to their opinions as much as you can. This would let them feel that they are valued. Also, provide childcare to employees who have babies already and to free them of worries. By doing so, employees would be more happier and they would contribute more to the organization. As for grapevine activity, a good manager would know how to deal with it and make good control of it. Consequently, the organization would grow faster if we take very good advantage of communication channels. In conclusion, there are three communication channels which are named as formal channel, informal channel and grapevine activity. They all have positive functions to organization depend on how you manage them. It is worthwhile to know and use them appropriately in management and a great value will be obtained accordingly.
Steroid Pros and Cons
The effects of steroid use has been widely documented, especially in the past couple of years with all the high profiled athletes subjecting themselves to a tainted legacy because of the need to keep there competitive edge while there skills where slowly diminishing with age. Sending shock waves through the sports world and fans feeling disappointed and confused, athletes have been slowly coming out In the public eye for their past and current steroid abuse. These athletes have been emotionally distressed and this I imagine is extremely hard to adapt to and handle.But what bout the physical demographer bodies are enduring with these powerful anabolic drugs? This Is where a lot of different pollens come In to play, between the so-called experts and the self proclaimed experts. The so called experts being doctors and self proclaimed experts being â€Å"JUICERS†In the bodybuilding world. Some people would say â€Å"_Well look, he Is a doctor he must be right†_ and I woul d say that I rather take advice after a bad break up from a friend with the same experience than a happily married radio show love expert telling me what Is politically correct.But It Is very arid to argue science, which leads me to read up on many different articles from the other side. Rick Collins a writer for littleness. Com had a interesting article in 1999, that stated how the public was fooled by the physicians into thinking that steroids was not a performance enhancer and did not make people stronger. He then went on to say that congress, was more worried about making competitive sports pure and not so much on the actual health of steroid users. This being his own belief (not fact) says to me that he might be right.The United States of America has a way of gnashing athletes who use these drugs as criminals with huge penalties. This makes Rick Collins argument strong. Something that I also found pretty interesting was that the same physicians who said in the sass's that stero ids did not enhance ones performance retreated form that theory in the sass's. This left a bad taste in the sports communities mouths and made Doctors not look so bright. Where the physicians believed to be credible sources anymore? A majority of the sports and bodybuilding community said yes, they should be credible but Just not when it came to steroids.There is a large population of steroid users that believe the â€Å"JUICE†had a positive impact on their life. These feelings probably came from people who did the drug in proper dosages. But like anything, too much can be unhealthy. Example tanning, alcohol, sleeping and so on. What I feel bothers America about steroids Is not so much the health risks. Turn on a TV and flick through the channels. I would say you can probably come across something to do with steroids, but how much you want to bet It will be about a sports figure. Do the same thing on the Internet, Google steroids. Bet you won't get a story of a death due to steroids.Is It because there arena any stones on everyday people and steroids. No. I'm sure there Is someone who Is suffering from side effects from steroids. But who cares? It's truly about Integrity of competition. And I believe It Is truly blown out of proportion. I am so sick of seeing these ball players getting smashed through the media, getting critiqued on every little thing they say and do. When the concerns are not about health In the news It Is always about an athlete who â€Å"Cheated†-Always drama, I feel like newspapers and articles on two writers sitting on the other side of the fence on this topic.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Advertising and Older Consumers: Image and Ageism
In past years the market that most advertisers aimed towards was the Gen X group. Now many advertisers are shooting at the even younger Generation Y. The interesting thing is that many of these products advertised are items that all generations use, such as food, soft drinks, clothing, cars, entertainment, etc. Rarely are older generations revealed using these products in print ads or commercials. The Issue: This creates the issue to advertisers that they stereotype older generations and reinforce society's misconception that people over 50 are feeble, pitiable, or incompetent. In many cases advertisers do just this. Remember the commercial for Lifecall emergency alert device in the early 90's where the elderly Ms. Fletcher fell in her bathroom and, while lying there helpless, she calls out, â€Å"I've fallen and I can't get up.†Despite the importance of this product to seniors who live alone, the commercial quickly became the brunt of many jokes, including skits on Saturday Night Live and the Tonight Show. Could Lifecall have designed a better advertising campaign that would not have alienated or mocked its target market? This brings up the question of whether advertisers have a responsibility to change the mindset that being over 50 is old? Are they responsible to change the way society views 50+? Can they even change society's views of 50+? Absolutely! By utilizing cross-generational advertising, marketers can benefit the consumers, companies, advertisers, and society as a whole. The Stakeholders: 50+ Consumers – The nature of the 50+ age group is rapidly changing. Humans are living longer and are more active than ever before. They don't feel old and feeble, so why would they want to support product advertising that makes them appear weak and vulnerable? They don't. Advertisers/Corporations – Advertising is the primary source that companies use to inform and educate the public about their product while influencing consumers to purchase it. In the past marketers have primarily advertised towards younger generations because they have more impulsive buying behaviors. Also, according to the case, many executives in the marketing field are from younger generations; therefore, they create advertising campaigns with which they can identify. Society – The overall public, including the target market, views marketing campaigns. Almost everyone has access to publications and television that contain advertising directed at specific groups. For example, children watch the programs their parent's watch and parents watch children's programming. We are all exposed to advertising that might or might not be directed towards our generational market and it influences our opinions about those groups. Utilitarianism Theory: Cross-generational advertising is a method of marketing that illustrates many generations using the same products without segregating or degrading any generational groups. This will produce the greatest long-term benefits to the most number of stakeholders. First, using models from Generation Y through the GI Generation will create awareness and a better understanding of age diversity in the consumer market. In turn, stereotypes of older generations will be broken. This could lead to a social and economic breakthrough. Older generations will feel more accepted in society and will have the urge to be more active. As they become more active, greater consumer spending is generated which benefits the corporation's overall profits and its stockholders. Free Market Theory: According to the IPC Magazine survey identified in the case, 62% of women prefer to see women their own age advertising products towards them1. In addition the over-50 age groups claim the majority of wealth and generate over 51% of consumer spending in the United States2 (see Graph). If companies would advertise using over-50 models and actors, brand recognition would be established because the older consumers would identify with the advertisement and therefore purchase the product. If you look at this from a company's perspective, there is a substantial market vying for cross-generational advertising. Since the company exists to make money for its shareholders, what would be better than to target the market that possesses the greatest wealth and majority of consumer spending? Rights Theory: Companies have the right to advertise their products to the target markets of their choice. At the same time the consumer has a right to be informed without being misled or deceived. In many cases the messages that advertisements relay give consumers misperceptions about a particular generational group. For example, the majority of pharmaceuticals are advertised using 50+ models. Rarely are these models used for products such as apparel, soft drinks, or new cars. This gives the general public the misconception that anyone over 50 is sick, weak, and unable to use the products that â€Å"everyone†else uses. Justice Theory: When reviewing ageism in advertising, the over-50 population is treated less equitably. A cross-generational marketing strategy would allow 50+ models to advertise everyday products while still appealing to younger markets. This would compensate for past injustices to older generations by finally giving them an accurate portrayal in the media. Marketing campaigns could also incorporate models from different generations to distribute equal time and equal representation in advertising. In the end, future retribution will be given to millions of older Americans as age discrimination in the media is diminished. Social Contract Theory: In the end, advertisers need to gain the trust of their consumers. As long as they continue to mock older generations or ignore them all together, they run the risk of â€Å"punitive reactions – consumer boycott, regulation, media hostility, financial loss, and above all loss of reputation1.†They also owe society a picture of reality when it comes to the aging population. The Baby Boomer generation, with a population of 76 million, is the largest and most economically powerful demographic group in the US3. As a majority of this group has already passed the 50-year mark and the rest are soon to follow, an accurate depiction of our modern day aging process is needed because eventually everyone will pass through these same life stages.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Critical Analysis of a Journal Article Essay
The study of Oncology concerns most and every citizens. Oncology is the study of anything about the nature, medication, and strategic methods in understanding and treating cancer (Kaminsky, 2009). Based on the information provided in the two articles, Oncology was the main focus of the authors. The authors discussed two distinct strategies in dealing with treating the cancer patients. However, I found Takimoto’s (2008) article more convincing than the other article written by Bertino et. al. (2007). To start with, the article by that of Takimoto discusses the proposed method of phase 0 clinical trials to human and animal testing in attempt of the doctors and clinicians to find a cure against cancer. Also, in the article, several advantages of using the clinical trials are imparted like: the reduction of time, and minimal cost of injury or any other harm to both human and animals. Therefore, I agree that phase 0 clinical trials should be performed. In the article innovation was emphasized and linked to the development of products (medicines) through creative manipulating of the dosages that the sample animals or humans, as participants of the trials should receive. Moreover, it was preconceived my many that several dosage could make a patient weak or worse. Thus, it is important among clinicians to define how the dosage should be executed and when shall it stop (Takimoto, 2009). References Bertino, J. , & Greenberg, H. J. (2007). College of clinical pharmacology position statement on the use of microdosing in the drug development process. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 47,418-419. Retrieved January 28, 2009 from the Medline database. Kaminsky, A. (2009). What is oncology? Retrieved January 31, 2009 from http://www. wisegeek. com/what-is-oncology. htm Takimoto, C. (2009). Phase 0 Clinical trials in oncology: A paradigm shift for early drug development? Cancer Chemotherapy Pharmacology, 63,703-709. Retrieved January 28,2009 from http://www. SpringerLink. com
Friday, September 13, 2019
Consistency, parallelism and sentence variety are valuable techniques Essay
Consistency, parallelism and sentence variety are valuable techniques I have learned in this writing course - Essay Example consistent and concise essay, research paper, or other written document require special attention to be placed on the order of paragraphs and linking paragraphs. The order of paragraphs needs to be chronological with the importance emphasized with each sentence. Words and sentences should not be used unless they support the topic being discussed. Furthermore, to ensure consistency with the paragraphs more than the order is important, they also have to be linked. Linking paragraphs means keywords are repeated from one paragraph to another. It also means that transitional expressions and sentences are used. The thesis statement in this paper and topic sentence of this paragraph show how keywords can link one paragraph to another with a transition. Paragraphs are made up of words and sentences, which mean that sentence variety helps create a transition between the various thoughts in a paper through language awareness. Sentence variety means I need to use a mixture of long and short sentences to explain my idea. The words need to be concise, exact, fresh, and vary from the beginning. Discussing the use of words leads me to my next point with regards to parallelism. Parallelism requires the same tense, voice, person, number and tone to be used throughout a paper (Thurman, 2008). In a sentence I need to use the same verb tense. For example, washed, waxed, and vacuuming are not consistent. Washed and waxed are the same verb tense; however, vacuuming is a past progressive verb tense instead of past tense verb. Tone created by verbs and words in a sentence also needs to be consistent. Tone is considered the expression of the speaker (Abrams, 1999). If the tone changes the meaning of the paper may change or lead to confusion on behalf of the reader. Paragraphing techniques, parallelism, and sentence variety are the three main points I learned about in this writing course which all lead to a consistent and concise paper. I am able to take what lessons I learned from class
Thursday, September 12, 2019
ZAPPOS another successful venture of AMAZON.COM Essay
ZAPPOS another successful venture of AMAZON.COM - Essay Example ..the paramount concern †¦.as banks, food manufacturers and government officials suffer from losing people’s trust†(Need, n.d.). The benefit and success in business go hand in hand with trust. None of the businesses in the entire world would ever wish to run losses in the market however crowded it may seems to be. To be successful, business would want consumers to buy and try more and comfortably pay for the goods and services. This is where brand trust comes in. Defining brand trust remains challenging as any retailers would prefer its definition left to the consumers’ view of their products and services (Weinberg, 2009). However, my ideas seem to differ from that: it is the responsibility of the business to build trustworthy relationship with the consumers. A good example of brand trust can be taken from the printing industry. If you buy a printing machine allegedly printing one thousand copies in one minute, yet in reality it can only produce one hundred copies in one minute, then there is no trust towards the producers of the machine. The above example introduces another important factor in brand trust, which is honesty and clarity. Honesty and clarity are very much essential in building brand trust. According to the study conducted in 2010 by the Reader’s Digest European Trusted Brands, 13% of consumers trust advertising and 32% of consumers trust international companies. However, according to Nielsen Global Online Consumer Survey, 48% of consumers trust their work colleagues, friends and neighbors, 90% of consumers, trust recommendations from friends while 70% trust opinion posted online (Grimes, 2012). A question then may arise: do many clients understand key factors required to build trust? Perhaps we can say they do or they do not; it depends on the kind of scenario presented before the consumer. The only reality you can bank on is that every client wants to build trust. But how can we achieve trust for products and ser vices? This is a question many entrepreneurs and marketing officers attempt to answer on a daily basis. Just like people build trust in relationships, the same way clients build trust for brands and business. This is achieved through trust drivers as illustrated below. Factors influencing the effects of online Trust The steady growth of the Internet has in the recent past promoted e-commerce to a great extent. The Internet is now an essential part of a multichannel strategy for firms. In order to create a long term relationship guided by trust, companies are required to build on customer trust (Bhusry, 2005). This is very necessary in the world of e-commerce because consumers depend on the Internet for extraction of useful information and purchasing of products/services offered. Successful e-commerce requires a wide evaluation and understanding of how brand trust is achieved and the effects it has on consumer behavior (Epstein, 2004). In the case of Zappos e-business, quite a number of trust drivers come into plays. We must note that the web site design is also a very important part of e-commerce, and thus very essential factor in building trust. In addition, the web site design strategies of different web sites classification emphasize different characteristics like navigation, privacy and advice that are very crucial in building trust (Weinberg, 2009). Quite a number of factors may affect online trust of Zappos e-business, namely, risk of information, price of the product/service on the web site, financial risk and the navigation ability of the web site. The above factors can be broken down into details as follows: (a) Risk of Information. The risk of
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Compare the ethical views of Aristotle and Aquinas ( Editing, writing Essay
Compare the ethical views of Aristotle and Aquinas ( Editing, writing the final draft) - Essay Example The life is of three types; the life that was mentioned, the contemplative life and the political life (Aristotle 8). Aquinas also agrees with Aristotle on what entails a noble task and highest good. Aquinas claims that external acts, the product of activity and the activity are considered as the highest goods. The other types of goods that Aquinas pointe out are the acts of reasoning and understanding. Both the philosophers place substantial importance to external goods and say that external goods are the highest quality of good activities. These goods are very vital for a person to perform well. Both Aristotle and Aquinas agree that every person can be a good judge of himself. According to Aristotle (5), a person can competently judge the items he knows. The judge has to be trained in that particular field in order to pass judgment. According to Aquinas (168), a judge can examine a witness and find ways to acquit the innocent individual. Aquinas also comments on the competence of the judge and says that if the judge is unable to give the required judgment, the person being judged can be remitted to the higher court. Aristotle and Aquinas propose similar philosophy in the area of virtuous actions and virtues. Aristotle defined virtue as a balance point that lies between the minimum and the maximum quantity of a train. Aristotle (39) says that in virtue, knowledge has little significance and it is the repeated acts of self-control and justice that can lead to the possession of values. Virtue brings out the good thing itself of which the good thing is the excellence. Virtue also results in excellences to perform assigned functions in a nice way (Aristotle 41). Virtue entails actions and emotions and actions consist of deficiency, excess and median. Success and praise constitute the signs of excellence or virtue (Aristotle 43). Knowledge brings no benefit to a deficient and morally weak person. The person pursues his or her interests under the
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Pollution Use in Future Life Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Pollution Use in Future Life - Research Proposal Example Life in the future is more likely to involve taking advantage of pollution as a means of not only attaining economic but also social and political goals that are useful for the whole of society. In the future, there will be a realization of the inevitability of the world becoming further polluted than it is already. This realization will create a situation where the leaders of the world will stop attempting to fight pollution and will instead spearhead the development of means through which all human beings will be able to adjust to the new environment (Bakari 23). Under these circumstances, it will be necessary to devise new types of technology, such as houses which are resistant to the effects of pollution, so that individuals in the society might not be affected by its harmful effects. Furthermore, it will be essential for protective clothing to be developed and this will be done in a manner that ensures that individuals are not only dressed fashionable but are also protected from the dangerous environment that will have come about as a result of pollution. These developments will create a situation where there will be a rise of new industries specialized in them and this will ensure that there is greater economic development in many parts of the world. Industries based on the determination to ensure that human beings adapt to the new global environment might be considered to be another form of industrial revolution because it will not only help in the creation of better living conditions but will also help individuals in businesses all over the world to make plenty of money.Â
Monday, September 9, 2019
Marketing of Services Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Marketing of Services - Term Paper Example Research has shown that the design of a services cape influences a customer’s expectation, choice, satisfaction and other behaviour. The four strategic roles service scopes are as follows: Package The service scape and other physical evidence wrap the service so that it conveys a clear message to the consumers of what is inside. It is just like packaging a tangible product. The physical setting of a service essentially does the same thing through the interaction of the complex stimuli. The service scape is essentially the outward appearance of an organisation and hence it is critical in forming the first impression of customer expectation. Facilitator The service scape can aid in the performances of the persons in the environment. The design of the services cape can enhance or inhibit the efficient flow of the activities in the service setting. Thus it makes it easier or harder for the employees and the customers to accomplish their respective goals. A well designed functional facility can make a customer experience pleasure while an inefficient and poor design can frustrate both the employees and the customers. Socializer The design of a service scape can help in the socialization of both the employees and the customers. ... Any changes in the physical environment can be used to signal reposition a firm or to target new market segment. Question 2 Global business environment has become highly competitive as several organizations within the global business environment are implementing unique business operation strategies in order to gain potential competitive advantages. Several service providing organizations always try to ensure high quality customer service in order to develop potential customer base. It is true that high engagement service providing organizations need not have to concern about the issues of customer loyalty. Now-a-days, consumers always demand effective customer service from the organizations against their money. Satisfied customers always intend to stick with the brand or the organization. The do not try to take the risk of switch over another brand. Several service engagement organizations used to focus on strong and effective customer relationship management practices in order to re tain its existing potential customer base. However, these organizations have to focus on developing new client base as the business environment in this world is becoming competitive and saturated. People are becoming loyal to particular brands due to high satisfaction from the offered services. Therefore, it is highly important for the organizations to attract the new customers who have never experienced about the services of other service providers. It is quite easy for an organization to gain customer loyalty of a new and inexperienced customer about different service. If the customer chose another brand then it will be difficult for that organization to attract the particular customers. High service engagement firms should not
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Fashion blog entry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Fashion blog entry - Essay Example The blog entry had well-shaped the storyline of designing by Karl Lagerfeld in his career of 25 years with the brand Chanel. It is quite evident that selecting Karl Lagerfeld as the creative director for the brand Chanel was the biggest decision of Chanel which was proved by Karl in the later years of his experience with Chanel. The contribution of Karl Lagerfeld is not just limited to presenting continuity to the traditional approach of the brand Chanel but also Karl managed to enhance the brand by merging new trends and demands. The informative blog entry about Karl had wonderfully attributed Karl Lagerfeld creativeness as an individual as he owns a publishing house as well as a taste in photography. In no way, people can stop thinking about his contributions to the world of fashion. One addition to the blog entry would be that people who look into the fashion world for the influencing thought of fashion consciousness idolize Karl Lagerfeld. Karl’s contribution could not be well-defined in words as its creativeness is in the colors blacks, grays and whites
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Text and tradition Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Text and tradition - Essay Example Socrates objects, pointing to existence of various Gods and, as a result, different ways of pleasing them; there is a logical contradiction when one the same action can be represented at the same time pious and improper: Later Euthyphro modifies definition by saying that pious is something that causes unanimously positive reaction in all Gods without exception (and vice versa). Socrates in reply formulates "Euthyphro`s dilemma": the act is pious because it is dear to Gods or it is dear to Gods because it is pious in nature? â€Å"And a thing is not seen because it is visible, but conversely, visible because it is seen; nor is a thing led because it is in the state of being led, or carried because it is in the state of being carried, but the converse of this. And now I think, Euthyphro, that my meaning will be intelligible; and my meaning is, that any state of action or passion implies previous action or passion" Socrates offers his own variant of the definition combining piety with justice. However, reflections on this concept, make the interlocutors reject such definition because all pious is fair, thus not all fair is pious. Attempt to specify the concept of justice leads Socrates and Euthyphro to the thought that justice involves interaction with Gods in this or that sense. Euthyphro formulates the definition according to which piety is intervened with sacrificing and praying. However, both interlocutors agree that sacrificing is reasonable in case when someone needs gifts while Gods cannot require anything, and, therefore, the acts of praying and sacrificing do not make sense and cannot solely characterize piety. On the contrary these acts remind trade. As a result Socrates and Euthyphro return to the thought that piety is a gratification to God. The general sense of "Euthyphro" is clear. It is correct that piety is a gratification to Gods but it is not exact. It is also correct that piety is an aspiration to justice but it is not precise as well.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Anthem and Farenheit 451 Essay Example for Free
Anthem and Farenheit 451 Essay Fahrenheit 451 and Anthem Comparison Essay When a person is entrapped within a society that dictates their behaviour, thoughts, and opinions they are unable to grasp the realization of their societies corrupt nature. However, there is always the odd individual who willing and capable of uncovering the truth of their society. In the novels Anthem by Ayn Rand, and Fahrenheit 451, written by Ray Bradbury the main characters of the novels were able to find truth by, forming friendships that are banned by their societies, rebelling against the grain of society to gain knowledge or form ideas, and finding flaws within their societies. Thus proving that, when one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling society it leads to self-discovery because they find the courage to escape. When one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling society by forming friendships that are banned it leads to self-discovery, because they find the courage to escape. For instance, Montag a character form the novel Fahrenheit 451. In the society that he lived in, any types of reading material was considered forbidden. Those who took it upon themselves to embrace the reading material were considered to be just as harmful as the material itself, because it lead people to believe â€Å"all the false promises, all the second-hand notions and time worn philosophies†that people had (Bradbury, 76). However, Montag intentially befriended an elderly man named Faber, who in his younger days, before the revolution, was an English professor. Montag know that Faber was knowledgeable in literature, but he became his friend regardless of this fact because he was curious of the forbidden treasures that his society kept from him. On the other hand Faber was aware of the glorious preachings, concepts, and ideas that literature held, and he was also aware of the error his society was making when it decided to eliminate reading material during its transformation. Although he was conscious of the valuable information that would be lost Faber did not speak out or fight against this decision, in turn he lost one of the most valuable things in his life: â€Å"I’m one of the innocents who could have spoken up and out when no would listen to the ‘guilty,’ but I did not speak and thus became guilty myself†¦ Now it’s too late†(Bradbury, 82). Faber’s misfortune friendship and his non-existent initiative to fight for literature inspired Montag to discover his true self, and his own beliefs that lead him to flee form his society in order to end up regretting the fact that he did not protest for his right to knowledge. Thus showing that by Montag forming a friendship that was not excepted by his society he found the courage to escape. A second example of one finding enough courage to escape a controlling society, because of a banned friendship is Equality 7-2521 of the novel Anthem. In the society in which Equality 7-2521 lives feelings and emotions that one may have towards another are forbidden, because it makes that individual different and unique from others within a society where everyone is to be considered equal. Although this is a main law Equality finds himself being drawn to a young girl by the name of Liberty 7-2000. With his new found attraction Equality 7-2521 reaches out to the girl in hopes of grasping a relationship, and this is exactly what he achieves. The relationship between Equaulity 7-2521 and Liberty 7-2000 helped him discover his true self. It made him realize that he was able to have love for someone else and that there was nothing wrong or improper about the feelings that he was experiencing and that this was not curse but an advantage, one that have him an individual. Equality’s self discovery, gave him the gallantry to escape form his society, because it made him recognize how corrupt and controlling his society was and it also made him realize that the only way he would ever truly be happy is if he were free. Both characters with in the novels Anthem, and Fahrenheit 451 discovered themselves by forming friendships that were not excepted in their society, an din both cases they gained enough courage to escape. Montag’s friendship with Faber inspired Montag to escape and realize his true self only because he was afraid to become what Faber was; a coward, not willing to fight for his beliefs. In contrast, the friendship that Equality 7-2521 and Liberty 7-2000 shared inspired Equality to discover his self, and escape, because he was different and enjoyed being unique from the rest of his society. This shows that although both characters were inspired by friendships, the reasons for their actions, and their self-discovery were different. Thus proving that, when one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling society it leads to self-discovery, because they find the courage to escape. A second factor that must be accounted for is the fact that when one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling by rebelling against the grain of society to form ideas or gain knowledge it leads to self revelation and it gives them the courage to escape. A good example of this is Equality 7-2521. In the novel Anthem Equality seeks and finds truth in his society by discovering a source of energy. The process of Equality’s discovery was very long and strenuous and it consisted of disobeying the rules that were set, on many given nights in order to sneak away and work in his secretive tunnel on his invention. Because of what his society preached, he instilled in his thoughts that he was, â€Å"born with a curse†(Rand, 13). Equality 7-2521 believed this because he was curious about the nature of things and broke rules to explore the world in which he lived. However, when he discovered that he was able to produce a light from a source other than a candle his thoughts and opinions towards himself and his society changed. His society did not want to recognize or accept the new energy that he discovered. The society’s ignorant towards Equality 7-2521’s discovery, that could have changed the way that the society lived and worked angered him. In result it made him discover that he was a unique individual that had thoughts that were far more indepth and surpassed the thoughts of others he was surrounded by. Equality 7-2521’s search to gain knowledge helped him build the strength to escape the controlling society that he lived in because he realized that it and the individuals that it contained were just holding him back form discovering his true self and environment further. Equality 7-2521 sought truth within his society by rebelling against it and forming a new idea and that gave him the strength to escape. In addition, Montag from the novel Fahrenheit 451 was also in search of truth and did so by rebelling against his society and gaining knowledge that resulted in courage to brake free. In the society of this novel people were restrained form reading literature, and to ensure that this law was not broken. It was the job of firefighters to burn and destroy all reading materials. Montag was a perfect example of a firefighter he ignighted books to ensure that the evil teachings that they held would never by absorbed by people of his society, until his curiosity overtook him: â€Å"there must be something in books, things we can’t imagine,†¦ there must be something there†(Bradbury, 51). This interest Montag had in hat his society withheld from it’s people soon overwhelmed him and he found himself rebelling by secretly recovering and protecting book form homes that were being destroyed because of the literature that they contained; â€Å"Montag felt the hidden book pound like a heart against his chest’’ (Bradbury, 39). Not only did Montag rebel by stealing books, but he embraced the knowledge inside. The wisdom that he acquired f rom these sources of knowledge lead him to self-discovery, because he realized the corrupt nature of his society. His society was so corrupt that he no longer wanted to take part and inhibit people form opening and expanding their minds. Montag’s self discovery is evident when â€Å"suddenly the odor of kerosene made him vomit,†although it was once such a great smell that only a true firefighter could love, and he could no longer fulfill his job as a firefighter and be happy (Bradbury, 49). Montag’s new found knowledge gave him the courage to escape because he recognized that if he stayed and continued to be controlled by his society that he would never be able to spread the knowledge and wisdom that he had gained. Both Equality 7-2521 and Montag rebelled within their society’s and in result formed ideas or captured some form of wisdom. Furthermore, both discovered themselves and recognized from their discovery that they needed to break free form their society in order to have freedom and the will to share their advanced knowledge and ideas. Montag and Equality 7-2521 both made discoveries that could have and would have changed the way their society’s functioned and thought. Although, what Montag realized had been recognized by individuals in his society before in contrast to Equality’s newly discovered light source that was unknown to his society. Therefore proving that when one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling society, it leads to self-discovery, because it gives them the courage to escape. The last factor that must be accounted for is the fact that when one presues truth within the confines of a manipulating society by finding flaws within, it leads to self-discovery, because they find the courage to escape. An example of this is Equality 7-2521. The society that he lived in is very narrow minded and believes that conformity is essential in order for all to be content. Their Motto: â€Å"We are one in all and all in one. There are no men but only the great WE, one, indivisible and forever,†is the basis of their ethics, and suppresses them form leading a typical lifestyle. No one within the society of the novel Anthem was permitted to have thoughts, pinions, or ideas of their own. Equality 7-2521 was silenced by the conformity that his society had. Finally he came to the realization that his society’s flaw was depriving him and others of their individuality. This realization gave Equality 7-2521 a better understanding of himself. Him recognizing his society’s flaw gave him the bravery to escape, because he realized that his society would never learn from it mistakes and frailties, and that he needed to take action in order to provide a better and more fulfilling life for himself and others. Therefore, Equality 7-2521 investigation for truth within his society led him to the realization of flaws that it contained, and gave him the courage to escape. In comparison, in the novel Fahrenheit 451 Montag uncovers imperfections within his society, that directed him to discover himself, because it gave him the courage to retreat. The society that Montag lives in confines the population by restraining them from any sort of reading material, in fear that the material will cause people to become unhappy, depressed, or angry, with the information that it consists of: â€Å"We stand against the small tide of those who want to make everyone unhappy with conflicting theory and thought†¦ Don’t let the torrent of melancholy and drear philosophy drown our world†(Bradbury, 62). This quotation proves that this society believes that it is truly making people happy by holding back, and not allowing them to have opinions and thoughts of their own, basically controlling them. Not only does the society of the novel control people by making it known that they can not enjoy the pleasure, and benefits of reading, but they also control them with parlor walls, which are giant televisions that take up an entire living room wall. These walls â€Å"tell you what to think and blasts it in. It must be right. It seems so right. It rushes you on so quickly to its own conclusions your mind hasn’t time to protest†(Bradbury, 84). Montag realizes that this is his society’s major fault, and the reason that they are in desperate attempts of controlling everyone is because they believe and want everyone to be alike: â€Å"We must all be alike. Not everyone born free and equal, as the Constitutions says, but everyone made equal†(Bradbury, 58). Montag’s recognition of his society’s flaw leads him to self-discovery ecause he realizes exactly what his society is doing, and knows that it is not mentally healthy for any individual. Montag breaks free of his society by escaping, because he yearns for the knowledge and independency that his society refuses to provide and except. Both characters apprehend that their society’s have major obstacles that they have to overcome before it could ever become a well functioning and productive society with well functioning individuals. They also escape the societies, because they realize that nothing will ever be done about the blunders that they hold. Furthermore, both Montag, and Equality 7-2521 conceive when free from their past societies that they want to take action, and establish a society of their own. Both societies in the two novels Fahrenheit 451 and Anthem find ways of controlling the humanity that it with hold by molding them into what them want them to be. Thus and thus proving that when one seeks truth within the confines of a controlling society it leads to self-discovery, because they find the courage to escape.
Paper on Career Skills Essay Example for Free
Paper on Career Skills Essay 1. Career direction It starts with five articles which help you think about career direction. These tools help you uncover what you do best and identify the types of work that you’ll enjoy doing most. From this, you can figure out how to make the most of your skills and preferences, whether in your current role or in a new one. a. Personal SWOT Analysis shows you how you can apply the well-known SWOT strategy tool to your life and career, helping you identify your strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities open to you and the threats you face. This leads naturally into the idea of job crafting. This is something that many of us do subconsciously to some extent, but our article gives you a rigorous approach that you can use to craft your ideal job. b. Develop your career in various ways. We show you what you can be doing now to future proof your career and to get ready for promotion. And if you’re frustrated because your hard work and abilities are going unnoticed, find out how to get the recognition you deserve. we show you how to live with a lack of job security and how to cope with life after job loss. Yet even when the economy’s booming, you can still face challenging career situations such as hitting a â€Å"glass ceiling†. We round off this section with two articles that will help you transition through significant events in your career. First, we look at what you can do when you get a new boss, and then we see how to wrap up in one role before moving on. Finding Career Direction Discover Yourself and Your Purpose How long has it been since you asked yourself what you want to be when you grow up? If you havent considered the idea since high school, then you may have settled into a job that is not fulfilling your professional aspirations, or your purpose. Each of us has particular talents that, when expressed or exercised, make the world a better place. Most likely you enjoy doing these things, and you find that people respond well to you when you do them. Perhaps theyre things you gravitate towards during out-of-hours activities, and that people respect you for. When you develop these talents as far as you can, you can make your greatest possible contribution to the world, and enjoy personal and professional satisfaction that goes along with this. Your Career Direction Journey The process of uncovering what you are meant to do, that is finding career direction, is a journey. It starts with discovering the essential you: the person who truly resides behind the facades, defenses, and stresses of everyday life. Once unmasked, your journey continues with specific career exploration and identification of a career that allows you to make good use of your talents. And it moves on with a focused job or career move, in which you identify the jobs you want and put yourself in the best possible position to get them. In fact, this journey never really ends because work itself is all about change, growth, development, and reinvention. By taking a talent-based approach to your career search right from the start, you keep yourself heading toward the right career even when the actual direction shifts over time. This approach consists of sequentially answering three questions: 1. Who Am I? 2. What Do I Want to Do? 3. How Do I Get Hired? 1. Discovering Who You Really Are The first question to answer is Who am I? Well take two approaches to answering this firstly asking you to explore your talents, and secondly using psychometric tests to explore your preferences. Exploring Your Talents First of all, consider your answers to the following questions: * When have you been most committed, passionate and enthusiastic? * When have you been most creative? * When have you been most sure of yourself and your decisions? * What do you consider to be your greatest accomplishment? * When have other people considered you to be most successful? * When have you enjoyed your work most? * What talents were you relying on, and using, in these situations? * For what would you take a very strong stand? * What about the world puzzles or disturbs you that you could make an impact on? * What jobs do you like to do at work when you have a choice? * What activities are you drawn towards out of work? * If money were no concern, what would you be doing? Brainstorm each of these questions, and then use your answers to identify the top three talents that you most use when youre successful. Rank these in order. Tip:If youre having problems choosing, use a technique like paired comparison analysis to rank things in order. | Personality Inventories Next, well look at using personality inventories as a way of looking at your preferred way of working relative to other people. There are many typologies available including Myers-Briggs, DISC (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness) and the strength finder evaluation in Now Discover Your Strengths. Tip 1: Some of these cost quite a lot of money, however considering the importance of what youre doing, it is probably worth investing in them if you havent already done so. Tip 2: It can be hard initially to see how to apply these tests. One trick is to turn things around, and as you identify possible careers, think about what personality type is most likely to be successful in these careers. Is there a match or a mismatch? Well do this later. Tip 3: Treat these tests as advisory only you cant capture the whole complexity of your personality and experience with only a few questions. That said, youll probably find the tests quite insightful! | With personality testing you learn what you have in common with other people. You also discover potential points of friction with people of other personality types. While no personality type is good or bad, it does help you discover what motivates and energizes you. This in turn empowers you to seek those elements in the work you choose to do, and avoid the things that frustrate and demotivate you. As you explore your personality you come to realize that who you are is really determined by the choices you make. You choose to react one way over another, or to prefer one thing to another. You can take this self-awareness one step further by examining why you make the choices you do. In psychological terms, what is your payoff for making the choices you make? When you know the why it is easier to see how you can become fulfilled through the work you do. Write a Who I Am Statement Now draw this together into a simple written statement of who you are. This is an important step toward self-discovery and defining your purpose. Use it to answer the following questions: * What your talents and strengths are. * The talents you achieve most with. * The activities you get most satisfaction from. * The type of activity the psychometrics youve completed guide you towards. Tip: When youre doing this, be careful not just to look back nostalgically at simple jobs where you performed well after all, many different people could perform well in these situations, and this gives you little information. Focus instead on more difficult areas where you made a positive difference, and where others didnt. 2. Finding Out What You Want to Do Now that you know who you are, the next stage is to think about what you want to do. For your life to be balanced and fulfilled, your career must be aligned with who you are: Otherwise youll be unhappy with work, and youll probably underachieve. After all, ill-fitting jobs demand different talents from the ones that you have. If you try to pursue a career path that is at odds with your values, your beliefs, and your way of seeing the world, then youll struggle constantly and be under a great deal of stress and pressure. The starting point is to do some brainstorming on the jobs that you think would suit who you are. Well then confirm this with some different psychometric tests, and then extend this list with some more brainstorming. You then need to spend some time researching the top careers youve identified. i. Exploring the Options You Know About Starting with your Who I Am statement, start thinking about all of the jobs you can see that would suit you someone with the talents and interests in that statement (by depersonalizing it in this way, you help to avoid being too close to the issue.) Starting here is particularly important if youre already established in a career: Its important to capitalize where you can on the experience and contacts youve already built up, compared with ditching everything and starting completely afresh (while this sounds glamorous and enticing, it puts you in the position of competing equally with other career starters, who may be much younger than you. On the other hand, if youre profoundly unhappy with your company, industry and profession, a radical career change may be the best thing) So start by asking yourself if your current role can be adapted to suit you much better; if there are other roles within your existing company that would be worth trying; or whether similar roles in other organizations might be more rewarding. Once youve done this, extend out and brainstorm the other options available. ii. Using Career Tests The next stage is to use online career tests to explore options that you might have missed. Useful ones are: Free, but limited career selection advice: Princeton Review Career Quiz Chargeable (but inexpensive, and with good selections of possible careers): iii. Thinking Further The unavoidable flaw with these career tests is that theyre based on backward-looking data, and can only cope with the major career types. Because of this, they cant recommend new careers, nor do they know about less well-known careers. Using the test results as a starting point, do some brainstorming to see if there are new technology careers which demand similar personality types, or if there are more obscure careers that may also be open. iv. Pulling This Together. Youll now have identifies a wide range of possible careers open to you. Nows the time to cut these down and prioritize them. Were not asking you to choose one now, but to cut down to your top 5 or 6 choices (the reason being that when you start researching these careers, some of them may turn out to be quite bad!) Again, if youre having trouble prioritizing, use paired comparison analysis to rank your choices. v. Perform Career Research Armed with a solid understanding of how you can participate in fulfilling work, you now need to research the various options you have to make money doing so. Career research is not something many people relish, but it is necessary in order to eliminate choices that seem to be great fits on the surface but really wont align with your mission and purpose. Yes, this is quite tedious. But think about the consequences of getting things wrong! Surely its worth spending time exploring your options, rather than a lifetime kicking yourself for making a bad choice! Methods for researching careers include: * Researching the career using sites like, so that you can understand industry trends, job pay levels, qualifications needed, job availability, etc. * Conducting your own PEST Analysis to confirm your own view of likely career trends. * Reading industry/career magazines and get a sense of how happy the industry is, who the major players in it are, and what the issues and problems within it are. Also, looking at job vacancies to see if the career is in demand. * Understanding what talents and personalities make people successful in the career, and mapping these back against your own talents and personality. * Attending professional and trade shows. * Participating in job fairs; * Visiting company websites, and keep an eye on how companies are talked about in the press. * Understanding where organizations are based, and deciding if youre prepared to travel to interviews, and perhaps to move. * Volunteering. * Working part time and/or seasonally in the industry. Tip: Be careful when using career trends to identify career possibilities: The desire to pursue an up and coming career may overshadow your mission and purpose. This will only lead to dissatisfaction down the road. Also be aware that theres a natural desire from people within an industry to inflate its prospects (to ensure a good supply of new recruits in the future.) Take official figures with a pinch of salt! | By the end of all of this research, you may have rejected several possible careers. Nows the time to narrow down to one! Again, Paired Comparison Analysis may be useful here, however so can Grid Analysis which helps you make comparisons where many variables are involved. 3. Answering How do I Get Hired? In this last phase you answer, What am I going to do to get hired? With your Who I Am statement and your research as your compass, now you need to actually map your progress. Many people tend to move from their purpose right into job search mode. This is a mistake because unless you have a plan, it is far too easy to get derailed by a lucrative job offer, an opening that Uncle Vinny has, a job that sounds really glamorous, or a whole host of other distractions. Develop your plan first and youre more likely to get where you want to go, faster. * Start by writing down the career you want. What is your long-term vision for yourself in terms of your career? * Write down the steps you need to take or the things you need to accomplish, in order to get there. What qualifications should you get? What experience should you build? Which organization will give you the best start? * For each of these steps create a detailed implementation plan. * These are your short term goals. * Be sure to express as SMART objectives. * Go back and identify contingency plans * Do a what if analysis on your goals If you dont get accepted to grad school this year, what will you do? Tip: The more contingency plans you have the more likely you will be able to survive the inevitable setbacks. You will also have much more confidence in yourself despite the bumps in the road. Tip 2: Recognize that the more opportunities you have, the better the job that youll be able to choose. Concentrate on creating as many opportunities as possible! | Now you are free to pursue your dream career with confidence. There are certainly no guarantees but with the right amount of planning and a sufficient dose of reality, the career that you are meant for will materialize. Signs a career direction evaluation may be in order: * Your job lacks challenge and excitement for you. * You are feeling unappreciated. * Your promotional and/or development opportunities are limited. * You are no longer having fun. * Learning is replaced with routine. * You sense that your skills and talents are being wasted. * You are suffering from stress or depression. Finding career direction is a process. The more effort you put into the planning stages the better your results. Uncovering your true self and your purpose is heavy, emotional work and you may have to go through this process a few times in the span of your working life. The effort however, is certainly worth it when you end up with a clear sense of the direction your career should be taking.
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